Military Housing Lawsuit against private contractors

Health and safety hazards should not be a concern at home.


Military families deserve habitable homes for on-base housing. We are here to hold the privatized housing companies accountable.

 Does this sound familiar?

You pick up your phone to call maintenance, again. It is probably pointless, but what else can you do? Maybe this time they will finally fix the problem.


Maybe this time they won’t just wipe off the black stuff they call “dirt” from around your vents that you think is causing a sinus infection in your youngest child. Perhaps they won’t dismiss your concerns that there is a smell permeating from inside a closet, or try to convince you again that paint chips are “normal” in a historic home, or tell you rodents are just taking shelter during the winter months.

The subtle comments that maintenance makes about keeping a tidier house or being a better spouse make you question that you might be overreacting. Deep down, though, you know. You know there is something terribly wrong with your home.

Military Housing Lawsuit suing private housing companies in texas and around the united states

Since we began representing families of Randolph and Laughlin Air Force Bases, we started hearing similar stories from all over the country. At first we were surprised, surprised that so many people were having issues. Our surprise turned to shock when we found out the horrible conditions that many of families were subjected to. Outrage overtook the shock when we discovered that even after the national news exposure, the congressional hearings, and mea culpas from the military and privatized housing companies, that nothing was really changing.

We took action immediately. We have listened carefully to our military family clients and understand not only the housing problems, but the manner in which privatized housing companies take advantage of military culture. We have done our homework, studying the few cases that preceded ours, researching the complex interplay between local and federal laws, and investigating these privatized housing companies. Then we filed suit against Hunt Military Housing.

All of a sudden, calls started flooding in. Word was getting out that someone was finally fighting for military families, sparking entire communities to start reporting issues they were facing. As more families wanted to know if we could help them, they also wanted to know if we were up to the task. They wanted to know if we could be trusted. We knew we wanted to help everyone but we needed a plan. A plan to help obtain compensation for each of our clients, and in doing so, bring about a change to the system. If nothing else though, we want to hold these privatized housing companies accountable.   

We know some of you are reluctant to come forward. We know some of you are skeptical that we can actually help you.

We hear you and we are committed to this fight. We know what you are going through is not acceptable. The military may be able to control certain aspects of your life, but privatized housing companies do not have that authority. Military families deserve safe housing and working together we believe we can accomplish that mission.


 Who we are…

We know that only a few other firms have attempted to obtain justice for military families. We’ve examined their successes and failures, making sure that our plan to remedy the system will work. Our team is comprised of three law firms with significant experience litigating complex cases. We have all the tools necessary to make sure that things change for you and your family.

jim moriarty attorney with military experience here to help housing problems

Jim Moriarty, owner of the Law Offices of James Moriarty, is a former Marine who served three tours in Vietnam, holding two Air Medals awarded for heroic achievement. He knows firsthand the sacrifice and dedication military families make on a day to day basis. The fact that he is able to now give back and represent service members who need someone to fight for them here at home is fueling his desire to make sure that these private contractors are held accountable for their actions.

Ryan Reed and the lawyers of Pulman, Cappuccio & Pullen, LLP

Ryan Reed and the lawyers of Pulman, Cappuccio & Pullen, LLP are experienced attorneys who handle a wide variety of litigation throughout Texas.  They have extensive experience handling real estate and landlord-tenant litigation.  Having represented landlords and tenants alike, Ryan knows the standards that landlords are required to comply with but also frequently advocates for the right of tenants.  Practicing law in Military City USA, Ryan has represented military members, including JAGs, on a variety of matters.  Ryan’s compassion for the clients who hire him drives him to advocate for their rights and, in this case, hold privatized military housing contractors accountable for the harm they have inflicted on military families. 

Alicia O'Neill Watts Guerra Attorney

Alicia O’Neill and the attorneys at Watts Guerra are highly experienced and handle litigation in Texas and throughout the United States. Alicia began her legal career as an Assistant District Attorney in Harris County, Texas where she served as first chair counsel in misdemeanor and felony trials, appeals, and writs of habeas corpus for more than a decade. Over the years, and in many state and federal courts, Alicia has successfully handled cases involving: mass torts, sexual assault and sexual harassment, harmful pharmaceuticals, personal injury, contract disputes, and fraud. The one thing in common about all the cases Alicia works on is that she works tirelessly for her clients to ensure that they receive the justice they deserve.

Here’s the breakdown…

Military Housing Conditions that lead to health issues

The entire housing program needs to be overhauled.

Since the 1990s, military housing has been privatized - which has led to a decrease of oversight and an increase of deferred maintenance. Patch jobs, as opposed to real fixes, are rampant. All of which has take a toll on the homes you’ve lived in.

Mold infestation along with rodents and other medical conditions due to military housing

Lack of oversight has led to deplorable conditions for service members.

These privatized housing companies were supposed to improve conditions in your home, but instead they prioritized profits over reinvestment. Exposure to toxic mold, lead-based paint, asbestos, failing fiberglass insulation, rodent infestations, and crumbling infrastructure are some of the biggest complaints from those who live in on base housing.

These companies were more interested in their bottom lines and bonuses rather than in fulfilling their mission. Lack of oversight, from the military to Congress, has contributed to the unconscionable conditions in the houses leased to many of you.

When military and congressional oversight fail, the remedy is a lawsuit. Through a lawsuit designed to obtain compensation for those who have been injured, we can hold these companies accountable and hit them where it hurts - their bottom dollar.

We’re here to help.

Military service members deserve a safe environment for their families.

We want to do our part to ensure that is possible.

We are solely screening for and litigating mass-tort claims for damages to your health and property as a result of uninhabitable conditions and improper management by privatized military housing companies.  We will not be investigating or litigating other types of claims such as disputes involving rent; eviction; work orders; moving logistics; lease extensions or terminations; temporary housing; or the handling, custody or storage of personal belongings.

How this works…

  • Any interaction you have with us is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and protected by attorney-client privilege, even if you don’t sign a fee agreement with us.

  • There is no cost to you up front. Any fees will come as a percentage of any funds we recover for you. If we don’t recover anything, you owe us nothing.

  • We are not suing the military. We are suing the privatized housing companies.

  • This is not a quick process. How it progresses will depend on how the Court decides to proceed. The Court’s decisions will be largely affected by the number of you who join this action.

  • The screening process is the first step to determining if whether your family has a legal claim we can pursue. Complete the Case Evaluation. Our team will contact you within 48 hours to discuss our assessment of your case and, if appropriate, obtain more information.

    • Most of these cases tend to be complex (legally, medically, and scientifically). If we believe, based on the Case Evaluation, that you have grounds to file suit, we will present you with a fee agreement to sign. Then it’s your decision whether or not to proceed.

  • The value of your damages claim is based on what we, together, can prove. We will need your cooperation to find and gather everything we’ll need for your case.

  • If and when your case is filed, you will be involved in the that process. It may turn out that not all cases will need to be filed for you to recover your damages.

We are not suing the military.  We are bringing suit against the privatized housing companies that have failed to fulfill their promises to the military and military families.


Begin your case assessment:

If you are a military family that has lived on base in a home that was managed by a private contractor, and you suffered from serious health effects, we want to help you hold that company accountable.

We are advocating for better living conditions for our military families. Read about the current cases that we have filed.

The military is pledging to revamp their housing program but is that going to be enough?


Contact us today to begin holding privatized military housing companies accountable.